Improvisations on a theme by Michelangelo
Improvisations on a theme by Michelangelo
Motifs From the Sistine Chapel Painting of the Garden Of Eden and the Expulsion
By Randy Dillon
Michelangelo’s painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is considered by many to the the quintessential artwork not only of Michelangelo’s life, but also in the sponsorship of the Roman Catholic Church into the arts. Many refer to the work as Michelangelo’s ceiling.
The modern artist Randy Dillon decided to take upon as a project to create improvisations of two sections of Michelangelo’s Ceiling having to do with the motifs of the Garden of Eden.
In all, there are twelve original works of art with fifteen close-ups to give a better view of how the interpretations played out among the major characters within the theme.
ISBN/EAN13: 1449501656 / 9781449501655
Page Count: 42
Size: 8″ x 10″
Language: English
Color: Full Color with Bleed